I don't know where the time has gone, but it is way past time to update the blog! I am so looking forward to this spring being over. It has seemed so long!
So the recap...
I started out by having surgery in mid-April. I had been having a lot of abdominal pain and a very palpable lump near my c-section site. I had tried to have it removed in the winter by a plastic surgeon, but after getting me on the table, opening me up and digging around for a while, she decided it was too deep to do without general anaesthetic. Great news! So I was referred to a general surgeon and it was removed in the hospital with the proper medication. I was worried it would be as painful (or worse) than the first attempt, but this surgeon was amazing. Good thing too because Johnny was out of town during the days following, so I was fine without the extra help.
Speaking of Johnny being out of town, he is a lot these days. This current project has been 3 years in the making and is finally coming to an end in July. It takes him to Victoria 3-4 days/nights every week, which has been stressful on all of us. I am lonely in a house full of kids and a dog, if that makes any sense at all. I just really want my partner in life back on a full time basis. The good news is that because of this project, Johnny was able to get a promotion at work. He will still be working in Victoria, but it will likely be only one night a week instead of multiple nights. Plus, with all his hotel points, I am expecting a pretty nice vacation in the fall. :)
My kids have been involved in all kinds of activities this spring. I have mentioned Shaylah's t-ball, but we have also been doing swimming lessons for all three, ballet for Ashlyn and soccer for Caelan. I have really noticed the twin bond the two little ones have now that I have placed them in separate activities. They are such confident little creatures when they have each other, but I realize now how much they rely on each other for support. When you take one away from the other, their confidence goes with them. It has been a hard transition for both of them.
May started by me missing a birthday party for Ashlyn and Caelan. It was on the calendar, but I forgot to turn the page to May 1st. Oops! It would have been their first friend party without Shaylah and they were really looking forward to it. Boy did I ever feel guilty for that one!
Caelan also had surgery this spring. He has been monitored since birth (because he was so little) for his hearing and speech development. He was diagnosed with a mild hearing loss due to fluid build-up in his middle ear. I didn't notice it in everyday life, but his hearing tests were very clearly impaired. He had tubes put in his ears and his adenoids removed on May 31st at Children's hospital. What an amazing hospital!! They take such great care of my little ones and I am forever grateful to them for everything. Caelan was a superstar and never complained of being hungry, despite a very long wait prior to surgery. I was warned that he would have discharge from his nose and some bad breath....boy, did I underestimate how bad it would be! The constant yellow mucous and rotten egg smelling breath was continous for 10 days and it was almost too much to bear! Thankfully it didn't bother him at all. What did bother him post-surgery, was the fact that the volume of sounds in the world had just magnified. He walked around the first few days with his hands over his ears yelling "That's too loud!" to everyone in the house. I think he has finally adjusted now though. :)
(taken on my iPhone)
Other fun things that happened recently include:
1. Hats Off Day Parade, which we walked in with the Pre-school.
2. Child Run, which we all ran in and raised $680 toward BC's Children's Hospital.
The kids each got a medal and were so proud of themselves. Unfortunately, Shaylah had spent the previous two days throwing-up and wasn't too into the running part of the day (poor girl). We have discovered a new talent for Ashlyn though. That little girl was weaving in and out of people and getting quite frustrated when other were slowing her down. She wanted to run it again as soon as she finished! I think this will be a yearly activity for us and it definitely goes to a good cause. Thanks for all the donations!!
3. Pre-school fieldtrips, including a visit to the Firehall, Maplewood Farm and bowling. So fun! So hard to believe that Shaylah has officially finished pre-school and will be attending Kindergarten all day next year. She is so ready, but this poor Mama is NOT! Her graduation ceremony is next week, so I will be posting photos of that later.
This summer we have nothing planned with the kids and I am so looking forward to just taking each day as it comes. We will likely spend some time at home, some time at Birch Bay and a few days camping in the Lower Mainland. We are all due for a nice break and some family time together. Johnny is hoepfully going to take a few weeks off before starting his new job in August and we are all excited to have him home. Hopefully this will mean more time to update the blog too!