Wednesday, July 18, 2012

34 weeks

This baby is continuing to grow and I feel huge (in a good way)! I am finally able to leave the house for periods of time and walk short distances. It feels good to slowly start helping with the kids and eat sitting up. I also had my very last visit by the nurse at home today. I am hitting the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy...feet starting to swell, difficulty sleeping, lots of heartburn, SI joint pain, waddling, fatigue...but I am so thankful to be this far along. Looks like this baby is happy being inside for a little longer. The kids enjoy trying to help me stand up from sitting by pulling on my arms. They think it is pretty funny. They also know to give me extra time because I move really slowly these days. We have been spending hours in the back yard while the kids swim in the inflatable pool, which is great because I don't have to go very far. We are very much missing spending time at the cabin though. Hopefully we can get down to the beach after the baby arrives. We do not have a c-section date yet, but it will likely be in about 3 weeks. Not long now!! I have not prepared anything for the baby yet. Such a fourth baby! Everything is sill in the basement and needs to be hauled out and cleaned. We haven't even decided where the baby will sleep yet or picked out a name. Name suggestions are definitely welcome because we need help. :)


  1. I am SO happy for you that you are at 34 weeks. I'm also so glad that you get to go for short walks to get those muscles working again! Unbelievable that you are having a baby in about 3 weeks, can't wait to find out who is in there:) Good luck with the baby names, glad I don't have to do that part again!

  2. ha ha ha... oh, little fourth baby!
    all you need are diapers and a few sleepers anyway.
    he/she can sleep in a laundry basket. ;)
    can't believe how close you are!!!
    oh man... that's the FUNNEST part!!!!
