Thursday, January 24, 2013


**Previous post updated with pictures**

Shaylah lost her first tooth on Christmas Eve last year.  She was five years old at the time and still looked like such a baby to me!  Since then, she has lost 6 more teeth and all of a sudden looks so grown up.  When those adult teeth come in, it changes their look so much.  :(

 (1st missing tooth)
(7th missing tooth)
Unfortunately for Shaylah, she also recently had to have some major dental work done.  It is another bi-product of my bedrest, but she had to have 2 crowns put on and another cavity filled.  While I was unable to help with the kids for 2 months, she was allowed to brush her own teeth and ended up with some major tooth decay.  I am sure there were also days that she didn't even brush her teeth at all, if nobody reminded her to.  She is pretty proud of her silver teeth though....especially when she found out that the tooth fairy pays more for those teeth when they fall out!  We are back to a much stricter tooth cleaning routine now!   
Also on the subject of teeth.  Micah cut his first tooth this week!  I am hoping that is the reason he has been so fussy at night for the past couple of weeks.  Last night was so much better.  He only woke up at 3:30 to eat and then slept until 7:00.  Hooray for a few hours of sleep!  I feel so much better.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5 months old

Oh boy, time is flying by way too fast.  Micah is now 5 months old and has quickly moved away from being a newborn baby.  He was weighed last week and here are his stats.  Weight:  14 pounds, 11.5 ounces (25th-50th percentile), length:  72.5cm (over the 95th percentile) and head circumference:  42cm (25th-50th percentile).  He is a good eater and continues to be so calm. 

Thankfully his favorite toys come with him wherever he goes (i.e. his feet), so he always has something to hold onto and put in his mouth.  He is not sleeping well at night lately, waking every 2 hours to eat.  Sleep training may be in his near future if he doesn't stop this soon!

There are still no teeth popping through, but his gums are so swollen.  Those bottom two teeth are just under the surface and waiting to come out. 

He has such a lovely swirl of dark hair at the back of his head, but is suffering from cradle cap at the top (for which Olive Oil seems to really help!).  All of my kids went through the same dry scalp issues, but grew out of it soon enough.

Micah is rolling from his belly to his back, but will stay and play on his stomach for a good chunk of time.  He is very close to sitting on his own....will stay a few seconds before toppling over. 

He also loves to stand with support.  Unfortunately for him, I gave away our old exersaucer due to space issues.  He will have to practice standing the old fashioned way! 

He has found a new interest in toys all of a sudden and loves to reach and grasp them.  He loves to hear the rhyme "Patti-cake, patti-cake, baker's men....." and will always smile when people talk to him.

I haven't really discovered anything he doesn't like, other than being left to play on his own.  He wants attention all the time, but doesn't care who it is from.  He has not yet had any food other than breast milk and he has never been in a stroller (Soon though, as I want to get back into jogging!).


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

4 months old

I am a couple of weeks behind on this one, but Micah is now 4 months old!  I know I keep saying this, but he is such a good-natured baby.  He has not been the greatest sleeper in the past couple of weeks and has started waking a few times during the night, which is not so fun for this tired Mama.  He has been sick with a cough for about 2 weeks (as have all of us in the house) and I think he is teething (no teeth yet!).  Still, this kid smiles so easily!  You just have to talk to him and he will give you the biggest grin.  He found his feet this week and loves to grab them any chance he gets.  We are late on his 4 month check-up and immunizations with the doctor, so I don't know how much he weighs, but he is currently wearing size 9 month pants and sleepers and size 12 month shirts and sweaters.  I know this won't last long though because he is growing so fast!  He isn't chubby, but he is long.  In fact, an elderly lady came up to him the other day and told Johnny that the baby was too skinny.  Apparently I need to fatten him up a bit.  How do you fatten up a breast fed-baby?  He drinks pure cream for every meal!  He eats frequently too.  :)  Micah loves to be held, sometimes only by his Mama, which makes it hard to get anything else done around the house.  At least that is my excuse!

Here are a few photos of this precious baby....

Kids in their Santa pj's

The Christmas tree shot.  Unfortunately the stabilizer was turned off on my camera and these shots were a little blury.  Oops!

Talking to his big sister.

Just smiling.

Ready for Santa to arrive!

Pure Joy!

(Our view of the new bridge)

Today, Johnny and the kids went sliding at one of the local mountains.  It was the perfect day...sunny and not too cold.  Mommy and Micah watched and took pictures.  Just look at their faces as they go down the hill.  Pure joy!