Thursday, May 31, 2012

Status Quo

I keep getting questions about how I am doing, since I haven't updated in a while. I am happy to report that there is nothing to update! We had a bit of excitement last week when the ante-partum nurse noticed some skipped beats with the baby's heartbeat. Three NST's and a fetal echocardiogram later, all has been reported normal. Apparently this baby just has an immature conduction system, which is totally appropriate for a 27 week old fetus. I was not worried, but the nurses were quick to respond and made sure I had it checked out. I remain at home and in bed. Actually I get very fatigued just walking down the stairs for my home-care appointments twice each week. My fitness level is now down to nothing. I guess that's what happens when you spend a significant portion of a month lying around! Thank you to everyone who has dropped off food and helped to look after the kids. Your support has been amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that there have been no changes to your cervix and that you have been getting a lot of support.
