Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend away

When I thought forward to this upcoming long weekend, I had imagined a nice weekend away from home to relax and catch up on family time. At least I got part of my wish! On Saturday I came into the hospital for a check by the doctor (on the advice of my home-care nurse). A check turned into an overnight stay for steroid shots 24 hours apart and monitoring. Next thing I know, the 24 hour stay has now turned into a few nights stay....all expenses paid on this relaxing long weekend getaway! I am feeling fine, but they are worried that my cervix is continuing to shorten. Hospital monitored bed rest is one way to keep me off my feet. I guess they thought I was cheating a bit too much at home (and maybe I was). Johnny is quickly learning what it is like to be a single parent, poor guy. Shaylah seems to miss me the most though and cries every time I talk to her on the phone. The kids wil come visit me tomorrow morning and hopefully she will feel better. It is nice to get to hear the baby's heartbeat twice each day, but I would rather be at home with my family!


  1. Sorry to hear that you are in the hospital...thankful for the care you are getting. Thinking about you often. Grow baby, grow!

  2. Oh, hugs & prayers for all of you!

  3. How are you feeling now? Praying much for you and the baby and your sweet ones at home <3
