Monday, March 28, 2011

The Big Party

I have never had a party for any of my kids (I know I'm a bad mom!), but this year Shaylah decided that she really wanted a party with her friends.  She invited seven of her favorite classmates and one friend from church (plus their parents) to our house for a big celebration.  It was fun doing the planning with her....she knew exactly what she wanted and helped plan each activity.

First:  Lunch time.  We had hotdogs, fruit and veggie platters, chili, and chips.  Isn't that every 5 year old's dream lunch?
Craft:  The kids decorated Ikea frames with paint, glitter glue and gems/stickers.  It was amazing to see the creativity flowing!
Games:  They played "pin the jewel on the Barbie necklace".  Shaylah even played a second time without the blindfold so that her best friend who was home with the flu would win the game.  :)
Piniata:  The highlight of the afternoon!  Filled with stickers, toys, play jewelry and (of course!) candy.

The party was Barbie and Princess themed, but there were plenty of masculine touches so that the boys wouldn't feel left out.

Here are a few photos!

It must have been a good party, because this is what happened while I was cleaning everything up.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome party! I love the sleeping pictures at the end, it would be the exact same thing in this household with Gary and his dad sleeping:)
