Thursday, July 5, 2012

32 weeks

I made it! 32 weeks and still counting :). This was my doctor's big goal for me and I am thrilled. My appointment today was very encouraging. I am now allowed to get out of bed and I don't need any more ultrasounds!! My plan for this evening is to eat a meal with my family for the first time in 2 months (it's the little things, right?) I am hoping to be able to lighten the load for Johnny a little bit, but I am also realistic on what I will be able to do. I am very de-conditioned and get so tired with the smallest amount of activity. I do hope that this will gradually improve over the next few weeks before baby arrives so that I can actually care for the little one myself. I think my family will be glad to have me back...even if it is only part of each day. Final words from Dr. R. today..."32 weeks is great, but 36 is better". :) On another note, Johnny and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary yesterday. In romantic fashion, he called up to me on my bed from the dinner table with the kids. So sweet. Haha! We should have waited one extra day to celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go on 32 weeks and the 14 years!!! Hope you enjoyed dinner with the family tonight!
