Saturday, July 7, 2012


I am frustrated. It is so hard to do anything. I ate breakfast with the kids this morning and had to spend the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon sleeping because of it. I knew I would be tired, but even I am surprised at how tired I am. I want to be part of my family's lives again, but am still unable. My loving husband keeps reminding me that it will take time, but I am impatient. I have been waiting 2 months for this! This will just have to be another one of those life experiences that will make me a better physiotherapist when I return to work. :)


  1. Oh man, when I read this, I realize that I have no reason to complain about being tired. Glad you had breakfast with the kids! And yes, to life experiences making us better/more understanding people:)

  2. you have such good perspective!
    teach me your ways!!
    praying for you...and for wee one.
    you're doing great... hang in there!
