Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3 months old!

Micah is 3 months old today!

He gives out smiles quite easily and continues to be such a sweet, good-natured baby.  I am so in love with this little guy.

I am still not sure what color his eyes are going to be.  They aren't really blue like the girls or really brown like Caelan's eyes.  Maybe they will be green like mine?

Micah has slept through the night on a few occasions, but it is never consistent.  He usually wakes once (sometime around 4am) to eat and goes back to sleep quickly.  He is currently wearing size 6 month clothes, but I have no idea how much he weighs.  It is so different this time around....with the other kids I had them weighed almost every week!  We still don't have any kind of nap routine.  He would like to nap during the times I am dropping off or picking up the big kids from school, so he does a lot of sleeping in the Baby Bjorn.

Still wishing time would slow down....


  1. Soooo cute!!! I love all of his hair. I hear you on the wishing time would slow down:)

  2. Oh my! So very adorable. A precious gift indeed.
