Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Mailman

I found this very interesting this morning.  I always take Jackpot to pre-school with me while I drop off Shaylah.  I tie him to a park bench a few feet away from the door and he sits there waiting for me while I get Shaylah ready for class.  He is always quiet and doesn't bother the many kids, dads and moms that walk by him each day.  Until today!  He started barking very loudly, so I checked on him to see what the problem was.  It was a mailman!  How did he know and why did he care when he wasn't at home protecting his own territory? 


  1. Is he able to see the mailman when he's in the house? My dogs bark loudest at our mailman who is terrified of them and won't deliver my mail if the front door is open. They must be able to recognize the uniform. I'm excited about the new blog, maybe it will inspire me to keep mine updated :) Sounds like you are home alone with the kids alot - sometimes easier as far as schedules - but can be lonely. But good thing Johnny is still working - I heard a lot of Telus employees have been laid off. Take care Mars!
