Thursday, May 24, 2012

Home, sweet home

I was finally released from the hospital yesterday afternoon, following much begging on my part. I had a repeat ultrasound on Tuesday that showed no change to my cervix. It continues to hold at 1.3cm. The baby is a great size and was measured at just over 1100 grams. Perfect size for 26 weeks! It was kind of fitting to be discharged yesterday.....the same gestational age as the birth of our twins. So happy to have passed that milestone. I had the most amazing sleep in my own bed last night, considering I haven't had a good sleep since last Friday, and am so happy to be home. I am now on strict orders to behave and stay in bed. The research isn't great regarding the benefits of bed rest, but it is the only option they have to offer at this point. I definitely feel the pressure if I am on my feet more than a few minutes, so I am hoping that bed rest will work in my case!


  1. Yay! So glad you are home and babe is continuing to grow so well!

  2. So glad to hear all your good news!
