Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Latest ultrasound

Today I had another ultrasound of our little one and my cervix. I will start with the good news. Baby is looking great and right on target for size at 25+1 weeks gestation. Hooray! The bad news is that my cervix is continuing to shorten. The measurement today was 1.3cm with some funneling. Not good at all. My wonderful doctor has now told me that all activity is to be stopped. I am allowed to get up to go to the bathroom, but nothing else. I had been still able to help with the kids, but as of today we are going to need to hire outside help. I am told that if I can make to 28 weeks, I can start to do a bit more, but for the next three weeks I need to be "in bed with my feet in the air" (as quoted by Dr. R). I will miss Shaylah's first ever Sports Day tomorrow, which I am feeling very sad about, as well as countless other activities that come with the end of the school season. So 3 weeks of complete bed rest are in my immediate future for the sake of this little baby who is loved so much already. Next ultrasound in 2 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!Sure hope you can find someone wonderful to help out as well as lots of great books & movies. Hang in there! Can't wait to hear about & see pics of new beautiful baby!
