Thursday, September 3, 2015


We are pretty lucky to live where we do.  We are right next to an amazing new park just beside the PNE known as Empire Park. This field was recently re-done to accommodate the FIFA Women's World Cup players to practice on.  It is literally a 10 minute walk from our house and we spent a lot of time there this summer.  As an aside, this playground is very noisy under the roller coaste when it is runningr, so during the summer months it is not advisable to go during the day.  Playland closes at7pm in July, so it is a perfect spot to spend the evening.

I also won tickets to see a FIFA game, so we took the whole family.  It was amazing for the girls to see professional athletes do their thing.  I have a few pictures on my phone....hopefully I will remember to download those soon.  :)
I don't seem to have a lot of July photos of the family.  I think it is mainly because the 3 big kids spent just over a week at Grammy and Grampy's house on the Island and they were in 2 weeks of daycamp.  They were too busy!

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